martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

5th Grade. From 30th March to 3rd April

Here you have the document and the audios for the English work for the 4th week of confinement, from 30th of March to 3rd of April

We will keep contact through Racima and email.
Maggie and Javier
Audio files: (We are using tracks 17,18,19,20 and 21)

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

5th Grade. From 23rd to 27th March

Here you have the document and the audios for the English work for the 3rd week of confinement, from 23rd to 27th of March
We will keep contact through Racima and email.
Maggie and Javier

5th Grade. From 16th to 20th March.

Here you have the document and the audios for the English work for the 2nd week of confinement, from 16th to 20th of March
We will keep contact through Racima and email.
Maggie and Javier

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Online contents for 6º!

Hi everyone! 

How are things? :)

In this post we will share a link where we will keep online English materials for 6º: 

It is called Padlet. This is a great online tool that will help us work and talk to each other. Here, we will need a password that you already received on your RACIMA account. 

Go for it! and remember #StayAtHome

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Semana 1. Del 11 al 13 de marzo

¡Hola a todos!
Colgamos por aquí también la práctica de inglés durante este parón:
Práctica del vocabulario y gramática de la unidad 5 y un listado de verbos para traducir y pasar a pasado.
Fuerte abrazo, Maggie & Javier

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

2nd Grade: "What am I wearing?"

Hello everyone!

This morning I want to share with you some videos of our 2nd grade students. They are doing a communicative activity: "What am I wearing?"

One student speaks and tells the others what he or she is wearing. Then the students dress their paper dolls:

One of our students, Hugo, created his own version of the paper doll at home:

I love it! What do you think?